Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Welcome to Fantasy Football

Fuck Yeah! Welcome #n00bs to our first Fantasy Football League! None of us have any idea what we're doing but we're all in this together. We can't deny that football is the greatest sport on TV and it's time for us to have some fun by making things a little more interesting. So saddle up, get your picks ready, grab a drink or 2 (maybe 5) and prepare to yell a lot on Sundays because this shit is happening! Let's enjoy some football! #patriotssuck #cowboyssuck #aaronrodgerscangetit #omaha #nickfolkmvp #seahawksshouldhaveranit #elieli0and2 #imjustheresoiwontgetfined

"I believe this is the year we're going to win the Super Bowl." – Rex Ryan every year

Hey, the offensive linemen are the biggest guys on the field, they’re bigger than everybody else, and that’s what makes them the biggest guys on the field.” – John Madden


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